1 min read

Assignmnet A04: Shiny App

Covid analysis

This work provides some comparion of number of covid death based on state, age group, and place of death of the 02/01/2020 and 07/23/2020 as of 07/23/2020. Please find the data visualization on the following shiny app.

In the Covid death tab, you first choose the state, and then the plot will show the number of all death involving Covid-19 based on different age gruops.The age groups are 0-14, 15-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85 years and over, and all ages.

In the place of death tab, please first choose the age group and state to plot the percent of Covid-19 death from all deathes based on place of death including place of death unknown, other, nursing home/long term care facility, hospice facility, healthcare setting, outpatient or emergency room, healthcare setting, impatient, healthcare setting, dead of arrival, decedent’s home, and all place of death. You could compare in each state what age group died at which place.